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psalm 119, shortened

today over a matcha latte I read through psalm 119 and did some paraphrasing in the margins. Some of my notes I wrote today and others I found there waiting for me.

א aleph

l wish I naturally wanted to do your will. I don't. put my feet on your paths.

ב beth

I want to be clean so I will listen and pay attention to you.

ג gimel

I was made for Jesus and not for the earth. open my eyes to know that everything I see here is just a reflection of you.

ד daleth

my soul was made for you, but still I want what I have here. help me to let go of all of it.

ה he

bring me back to life--real life--with your words.

ו waw

when I'm in love with you is the only time I know what true freedom feels like.

ז zayin

you and your words become mine when I take them and house them in my heart.

ח heth

when I'm stuck thinking about myself I will turn and run to your word.

ט teth

being close to you is more important than financial security.

י yodh

you have held me all my life.

כ kaph

I don't hear you but I will always believe you are there.

ל lamedh

life and death belong to you.

מ mem

the more I am with you, the happier I become.

נ nun

you are my past heritage, my present rejoicing, and my future deliverance.

ס samekh

I can hide in you. you are my safety.

ע ayin

I am your servant. I will not want anything else.

פ pe

your words give light.

צ tsadhe

your truth and your purity are my standards.

ק qoph

when I am undone I need you first.

ר resh

everything you say is true and true forever.

ש shin

when I am with you I am home.

ת taw

remind me who my life really belongs to.

pick a favorite? here are mine:

ש מ י ו ג


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